Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rivalus Sports Nutrition: Legit or just another fad?

This company was brought to my attention by a friend of mine and so I thought why not do a little research about them. Now from what I've seen, Rivalus is a fairly new company on the market, and their market base seems to be aimed at the athletic population. The big thing about them is that their supplements contain no substances that are banned by the IOC and WADA. 

The company is headed by Dr. Darren Burke who has a PhD. in Exercise Physiology. Basically this guy has been in over 100 published peer reviewed journals on many things such as supplements, muscle mass, weight loss, anaerobic testing, and resistance training. So long story short, Dr. Burke is a guy who apparently knows his shit and is surrounded by Olympic and Pro athletes. Obviously the smart decision for him was to use all his knowledge and resources to create a supplement brand that is on a whole new level of standards and ethics. 

Now since there is so many products by this company, I'm just gonna take a look at one of them quickly. Well the one that would probably get most of you interested would be this one called Anabolic Prescription. This "stack" combines two of their most powerful hormone supplements available: Enpulse and Helix-24. Apparently these two compounds have a synergistic affect  that lead to "incredible increases in anabolic hormone levels,gene expression and muscle growth".  Now at a price of $174.99 for a 30 day supply, this definitely isn't for your average person. This would be for someone making an athletes salary or if you just have a really good job and like throwing your money away.

Here is a link to the ingredient list

Well the ENPULSE portion of this stack contains many compounds which have been shown to boost testosterone, free bound testosterone and lower/block estrogen. I'm not gonna go in depth about all the compounds involved, there's just too many and they all have similar effects in the body anyways. The HELIX-24 portion contains things that look really fancy like 2 methylguanidino ethanoate, but in reality that is just the scientific name for creatine lol. 2-Amino-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl) is propanoic acid, also known as propane....not sure why in the hell they put a derivitive of propane in there. If someone can find research that deals with propanoic acid and human performance, please send it to me. 2-methyl-4-hydroxybutanoate is a derivitive of HMB. If you read my last article on HMB, you will know that it is a pile of shit compound.

Now as I look over the actual mg's per serving (4 capsules) I really, REALLY, begin to wonder how this shit is supposed to work at all. Most studies I have seen with the listed ingredients use Grams and not mg's. Why do they do that? Because that's how much they needed to use to actual get the ingredients to give results. So the list may look all fancy shmancy with compounds that have been SHOWN to exert certain effects on the body, but I highly doubt that dosages such as this will do anything. 

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that if the IOC and WADA say it's okay for professional and Olympic athletes to use, then it doesn't exert enough effects to be considered a performance enhancer. So why the fuck even bother with this then? You can spend that $174 on a tub of protein, a big tub of creatine, 20 bottles of caffeine pills, and monthly gym pass. If you really want to have " functional muscle gains fast, increase recovery, growth and aggression" spend that $174 on a couple bottles of testosterone. At least that has been proven to work.

That's my take on this stuff,


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