Monday, October 24, 2011

Rant of the day: University Lectures

As I sit here outside my classroom I had this thought come to the forefront of my mind. This thought is usually suppressed deep inside my brain in order to prevent constant rage. Now since I've gone from College to University, I have noticed a few big changes that seem to bother me. 1) The increase in cost for courses and everything University entails, and 2) The pathetic amount of teaching in 50% of my classes. I would have no problem paying more money if there was an actual increase in the amount of quality teaching involved , but from what I've seen so far, it's basically "Here's your useless textbook. No I won't do notes. No I wont to do an exam review. No I don't care if you know it." Now this really makes me wonder..Why in the hell do I even need to come to your lectures?

I think they need to either get rid of lectures or make them more like the trades. More practical hands on work where you can actually apply the things you learn, rather than memorizing and regurgitating information that you will most likely never use. That's not to say that there aren't teachers like this, because my Research Methodologies class is all about learning the info and then applying. In general though, there is obviously a more efficient way of doing things and i believe in order for education to move forward, then things must change.


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