Sunday, October 23, 2011

Rant of the day: The search for the magic supplement

Well if there's one thing I get tired as hell of hearing is a question that seems to never stop. That question is "What can I take to (get bigger/stronger/lose fat) in a short amount of time?" . Well people there are many things out there that can ASSIST you in any of those things, but unfortunately they are not some magic quick fix. It does not mean you can stuff you face with fatty food and laze around like a hippo in a pond in the Savannah. You actually need to PUSH YOURSELF in the gym, eat fairly HEALTHY, and generally avoid doing BAD things to your body. You'll never reach that beach body you've always dreamed of by going to the gym 3 days awake, doing a half assed workout while you're there, then going home to drink a 6 pack of beer and chowing down on McDick's. 

"But what about steroids? You take them and turn into Schwarzenegger!" .....*face palm*..... If you knew anything about physiology of the human body and physiology of anabolic steroids, you would realize that yet again, they aren't a magical fix either. Yes they can do powerful and wonderful things to your body but it doesn't mean you don't hafta workout as hard. In reality, people who are on the juice hafta train even harder than those who aren't. Not gonna get into a whole discussion of roids, I shall save that for another article, but a very brief overview of what they do: Keep your body in an anabolic (muscle building state), decrease healing time, and increases protein synthesis. These are the big things that they do. Think of your body as being a car, and steroids being a stage 2 turbo. If you don't go fast enough the you won't be utilizing the range that the turbo is designed for. Now if you put the pedal to the floor and go fast enough, then that turbo will kick in and you'll be going much faster than if the turbo wasn't installed. If you did not understand that metaphor then TOO BAD lol. 

Now I am in no way condoning the use of anabolic steroids or any illegal performance enhancing drugs. I'm just telling you the straight up truth. I don't pussy foot around, so if you don't like my bluntness then please stop reading my blog and go back to living in the land of sunshine and lollipops. 

The point I'm getting at is whether you are an all natural athlete or you use performance enhancing substances, the commonality is HARD WORK and DEDICATION. You hafta put the time into eating healthy and planning your meals. Making sure to plan out your workouts and always push yourself. Also trying to get a good sleep every night in order to repair the body. If you want something bad enough then sometimes sacrifices need to be made, whether it be not eating pizza, laying back on the booze or outright quitting, not playing as many video games, or getting up early in the morning because it's the only time you have.

Can you feel the rage? lol


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