Monday, October 24, 2011

Exercise of the day: The Deadlift

If there is one exercise that I feel everyone should incorporate into their current workout routine is the bad ass Deadlift. This exercise is ultimate because it essentially works the entire body, and greatly increases posterior chain strength.

The posterior chain is basically the calves, glutes, hamstrings, and lower back. A solid posterior chain is essential for squats, deadlifts, and Olympic lifts. It also leads to a better daily life because it helps get rid of low back strain, improves your posture, and improves overall core strength.

So of course the opposing group of muscles is called the anterior chain . The body is a thing of a wonder and it enjoys having balance, so you need to make sure both chains are worked equally. This helps prevent injuries and ensures that proper growth will occur. 

Now when most people hear the word deadlift, they think of the standard deadlift ( shown above).
The great thing about the deadlift though, is that there are many different variations. Including:

The Sumo Deadlift

The Romanian Deadlift

The Stiff Legged Deadlift

That's not even all of them either. Just some of the most well known ones. There is obviously many variations of each of these too depending if you use dumbells, bands, one leg at a time etc etc. 
Just in case some of you have never performed  a standard deadlift before, I shall break it down into steps for you.

1) Place your feet straight and about shoulder width apart, standing close enough to the bar that it actually touches your shins.
2)Grab the bar a little wider than shoulder width apart with your palms facing you. Make sure to wrap your hands around the bar with a hook grip --------------------------------|
3) Next sink your hips down nice and low, while keeping tension in your arms, and placing all your weight into your heels and butt.
4)Fix your gaze straight ahead and keep your back nice and straight. DO NOT ROUND BACK!
5)Slowly pull the weight up using your legs for the majority of the pulling and your upper body is basically just holding on to the bar. Don't use your traps or shoulders to lift it! They are there as assisting/stabilizing muscles, not major movers. The bar should basically be scraping against your shins and legs. 
6) Pull the bar up until it is above your knees and your an the locked out position. You may slightly lean back at the top phase of the movement, but do not roll the shoulders back or lift with the traps. You will only be asking for trouble.
7)On the way down you basically want to just reverse everything you did. So carefully lower the bar down while keeping your gaze forward and back straight. Making sure the bar is following your legs down to the starting position. If you are lifting very heavy such as 85-100% of your 1RM however, you don't need to worry so much about slowly lowering the weight. That may actually do more damage than good in reality.

I personally find that sweatpants or track pants are a good choice on Deadlift day. This helps prevent you from scraping your skin off from doing proper Deadlifts. Another thing I never goto the gym without is my big bucket of chalk. Chalk is cheap as hell and if your gym allows it, then use it. Lifting straps are also nice once you get into those serious lifts (1-3RM) and your grip strength will no longer allow you to hold on to the bar, even though your muscles can still keep going. 

So give the deadlift a try. Find the right variation for yourself , and make sure to do them PROPERLY ! If you find your form going, lower the weight until you can maintain proper form again. Sure pulling 500+ pounds feels amazing, but if you are an idiot about, you won't be feeling so amazing after.

Happy lifting,


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