Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tom Platz: Epic Legs

Tom Platz: Epic Legs

Okay so I've been super busy with school and life in general lately, so I haven't had much time to dedicate to my blog. Hence why this blog is my lazy attempt to post something.

My favourite muscle group to work, and the one I feel that's the most important is legs. So when I think of legs, I always think of the amazing bodybuilder Tom Platz. While most bodybuilders were worried about not having big enough legs, Platz legs were actually too big compared to the rest of his body. His leg workouts were insane, such as doing 225lb squats for 10mins straight, and doing reps up to 60 on leg extensions!!!!!
So suffice to say, Platz was one crazy son of a bitch, and I believe if more people trained with the intensity that he had, there would be alot more people with legs like trees!

So check out the link to . It's a great site for everything exercise related.

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