Friday, November 4, 2011

Sexercise ...."What'd you just say!? "

Now that I have your attention, I shall explain this wonderful new way of working....well it's not really new but I shall outline the exercises/positions that will give you the best BANG for your buck....hahah get it?!!...I said bang, as in sex.....okay it's not that funny, shut up! Anywho... sexercises are exercises that are performed during sex, foreplay, or are performed in preparation for sex that are designed to strengthen, build, and define muscles. Commonly these exercises are performed by people who follow the Sex Diet.

The sex diet is basically a lifestyle which maximizes the many health benefits obtained from regular sex. It is obviously not a diet in like a food based program, but more in the way of a system meant to improve health. When properly performed , sexual activity can actually decrease depression, encourages weight loss, promotes cardiac health, and frequent sex can also improve intimate relationships.

Speaking from experience I can attest to these many benefits, and how it can have such a positive psychological affect on you. Everything in my life just feels soo much better when I have a healthy sexual life. Thankfully I have an amazing girlfriend who also has these beliefs , so were are adamant that we make sure to get a daily serving of sexercise. Now I'm not saying that an entire relationship should be based on sex alone, but I am saying that it really does help increase that intimacy in couples.

A half an hour of sex burns roughly 200 calories. Now you may think that isn't very much, but if you are having 3hrs of sex a day...not necessarily all in one go haha.....for 7 days a week, that's 4200 calories burned!!! That's over 1lb of fat ( 3500 calories)......I just realized now why I managed to lose weight without doing any cardio these past 2 months haha....ahem....anyways..... If you couple that along with a weight training program, cardio, and a healthy diet, then I think you can see how beneficial sex can be !

So you're prolly wondering what these super secret sexercises are? Honestly from what I've read up on it, and can discuss from my own experience, there really is no secret exercises. It really doesn't take a genius to know that a standing sex position where you are supporting your mate, is gonna burn many more calories than the good ol missionary position. Next time you have your woman in doggystyle, pick up both legs and wheelbarrow her. If you don't feel your core and arms getting a good burn after a couple minutes straight of that, then my hat is off to you. As for ladies, if you do a squat over your mans..uhmm..member...and then put your hands anywhere on his body for support so you can move yourself up and down, well you are going to majorly feel that in your entire lower body, and I'm sure your man will be majorly feeling it to. So use that thing called a brain inside of your skull and make things tougher. I believe having a variety of positions and not a pre-determined routine is very essential in having a healthy sex life.

Sexercise is really no different in a training aspect than any other form of exercise. The more muscles you use, the higher the intensity, and longer you go, the more calories you are going to burn. So don't try and "make love" like they do in the movies with it all slow and sensual....GIVER BEEF! literally !

As for any guys out there who have problems...finishing the race early....well I really don't have any great advice for that. I guess the one key factor that I recommend is get down in between her legs and lick her into a state of mind blowing pleasure. Might give you some time calm your nerves and boost that confidence. Plus you will have the bonus of a very nice wet opening. Less friction=less sensation=less chance of you failing. If you do a good enough job down there with your tongue she may even be willing to return the favor.  Once that's over you will be very much relaxed , and ready to plow away without the worry of busting early.

Anyways that's enough from me. This supposed to be a health/nutrition blog, not a sex advice column. So ladies and gentlemen , go out and get some daily action. You'll live longer because of it.


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