Thursday, November 17, 2011

Short Reflection: Importance of healthy friends

Compared to most of my posts that I usually write, this one is going to be a little more on the serious side. Now I don't mean that it's gonna be a dull and boring to read, just something that I have been thinking about a lot lately. As I look at my life from where it was and what it has become so far, I've noticed how important the gym has been, which includes everyone that I have chosen to become friends with.

If you don't know me personally or didn't grow up with me as a teenager, then you prolly wouldn't know that I was into quite a bit of drug dealing and heavy drug use. There were times when I thought that I may not wake up the next day due to my lifestyle. However, one thing that always was the shining light in those dark times was the gym. I always felt amazing when I was in there working out and bullshitting with the other people there. I am the kind of guy who feels really guilty about things that I know aren't right, and something inside me was always telling me that I needed to smarten the fuck up and change my lifestyle if I wanted to be truly happy. Now it took me many years, and many relapses along the way to realize that the true happiness I was looking for was always there, I was just too clouded in my mind to notice it.

Even through my years at college I had relapses with booze and drugs, and started losing that passion for exercise and furthering my knowledge. It wasn't until I moved out here to Lethbridge and started attending University that I began gaining that intense passion for becoming the ultimate personal trainer and being the best Brett that I can be. It may seem stupid to many of you, but I have always dealt with issues of doubting myself and constantly doing upward comparison, thus lowering my confidence even more. I've slowly been working on getting rid of these negative psychological habits, and filling them with positive thoughts.

I've also noticed since starting this blog, and even the Demonator group on Facebook, that I am NOT an idiot like I originally thought. I DO know what I am talking about, and others rely on me to give them the straight up facts. Knowing that my story of lifestyle change and current success makes others look up to me , means the world to me. That is the main reason why I have such a passion for this career. I love to help others whether it be through improving their knowledge, sparking a passion inside them, or pushing them past limits that they believed were impossible to beat. Even if 1000 people read one of my articles and only 1 person is positively affected by it, that still makes me feel great.

When I'm in the gym bullshitting with friends, fellow trainers, or just random people, I feel like my true self. Even the random talks with fellow Demonators brings me so much joy. The people in that group are the type of people that I wish to constantly surround myself with because they have the same mindset as me. Constant self improvement and basically being like a family to support each other and push each other in every aspect of life.

I guess what I was really trying to get at with this reflection is that if you want to be the ultimate YOU , then you need to surround yourself with as many people that have the same mindset/passion as you. Whenever I would slip back into bad habits I would be hanging with people that didn't have the same mindset. A real friend that looks out for your best interests will not let you do stupid shit that can cause you to lose the focus and dedication. A real friend will tell you when you are being stupid and help you find a positive solution.

So get rid of those douchebags that aren't actually your friends, and go find as many positive people as you can.


Saturday, November 5, 2011

Myofibrillar hypertrophy vs Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy: Size vs Density/Strength

Well unless you have ever taken an anatomy or physiology course, you most likely are going "myo and sarco what?" . So I shall give you a very brief A&P lesson in order to have a basic understanding of this article.

Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle
Skeletal muscle tissue is surround by connective tissue(CT). The superficial fascia, also known as the subcutaneous layer, is composed of connective tissue and adipose (fat) tissue., and this what seperates the skeletal muscle from the skin.

Underneath the superficial fascia lies an irregular connective tissue that holds the muscles called the deep fascia.
Now below the deep fascia are 3 layers of CT which strengthen the muscle:
1) Epimysium- Outermost layer which surrounds the entire muscle.
2)Perimysium- Surrounds fascicles, which are groups of muscle fibers.
3)Endomysium- Deepest layer that separates individual muscle fibers.

Muscle Fibers are the individual cells which skeletal muscles are composed of.  These muscle fibers are located below a plasma membrane called the sarcolemma. Inside of the sarcolemma is the fibers cytoplasm, called the sarcoplasm. The sarcoplasm holds substances needed for muscle contraction such as glycogen and oxygen.
Each individual fiber is composed of many smaller myofibrils, which are elongated contractile threads. Myofibrils are divided into repeating functional units called sarcomeres. These things are what gives skeletal muscle its striated appearance. The easiest way to think of striation is when you look at an athlete with low body fat, and you can see their "definition". These lines of muscle definition are called striations.Finally, the myofibrils are surrounded by a system of membranous sacs, called the sarcoplasmic reticulum(SR).

Now this in no way fully explains skeletal muscle. I just provided a brief overview of information that is relevant to what I want to teach you. So don't go off on me and say shit like " What about T-tubules, myosin, ATP, Z Line, etc etc?". If you really wanna know that much then go read a damn A&P book.

Ok, so we got the boring stuff out of the way and it's time to learn why the guys that look like Greek gods commonly are lifting weights that are made for mortals, and the guys that looks like average Joes, are lifting 3-4x their body weight. Of course these examples that I used are extremes of what happens with just Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy (size) training and Myofibrillar hypertrophy (density, strength). There are many athletes out there that actually use a combination of both types such as MMA athletes, football players, and rugby players. But before I go more in depth about those athletes and training styles, lets take a look at the two types of hypertrophy.

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy (SH)
Now you know how I just explained what the sarcoplasm is? Well sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is an increase in the volume of the sarcoplasm. 25-30% of a muscles size consists this fluid. Even though the cross sectional area of the muscle increases, the density of muscle fibers decreases, and there is no increase in muscular strength. This is the typical 8-12 rep, 3-4 set, moderate intensity/high volume, "bodybuilder" training. I like to call this aesthetic training. Now there is some scientific evidence that a bigger muscle has a better chance of becoming a stronger muscle once the proper strength training methods are applied. However this type of hypertrophy has very little t do with explosive moments. Hence why bodybuilders are packed with muscle mass, but are not the fastest or the strongest of athletes. So this type of hypertrophy is nice looking, but isn't really functional, unless of course you are a bodybuilder.

Myofibrillar Hypertophy(MH)
Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the total opposite of this. This type of hypertrophy is an actual enlargement of the muscle fiber due to it gaining more myofibrils, which generate tension and contract in the muscle. The density of the myofibrils increases and therefore this a significantly greater ability to exert muscular strength. This is 1-5 reps, 1-10 sets, high intensity/low volume, powerlifter/Olympic lifter training. This is very important to the majority of athletes since most athletic movements are explosive in nature. Besides training the parts of the muscle responsible for explosive contractions, 85-100% 1RM training has the added benefit of training the nervous system. Some of the benefits of training the nervous system, but not limited too, are: decreased inhibition by the protective mechanism of the golgi tendon organ (GTO), increased neural drive to the muscle, increased synchronization of motor units, and increased activation of the contractile apparatus. As you can see, this type of hypertrophy could be termed functional hypertrophy.

PHEW! That was a bit of knowledge to take in. If you had made it this far and not fallen asleep, then you are on your way to becoming a more well rounded athlete.Now is the time to get away from the purely scientific data, and get to my favourite part of every article I write. My opinion !

First off, let me start by saying that depending on what type of athlete you are, you may think SH is better than MH. Being a personal trainer I have tried many different types of training from pure SH to MH, MMA, hybrid SH/MH, bodyweight, bootcamp and many more. I like to try different techniques and styles of training in order to gain a perspective on how different athletes need to be trained, and to why some will swear by certain styles and oppose others. In doing so, I avoid having biased opinions about things. Yes I can have very strong opinions about certain subjects but I will always give legit scientific reasons why things are "good and bad". So what's my opinion about SH and MH? Honestly I believe for overall function and performance, a combination of both types of hypertrophy is the best thing you can do. Bodybuilders can benefit from MH because more strength means that they will be able to lift heavier weights in that hypertrophy range, and powerlifters can benefit from some SH because a bigger muscle can produce more strength when proper strength training is applied.

Now a friend of mine wanted to do a comparison of Crossfit and Bodybuilding/Powerlifting in the areas of athletic performance,hypertrophy, and overall health/fitness benefits. But, to me this is like comparing a car with all the bells and whistles, to a car that is just the base model. I don't mean this in an offensive way either.
It's really a simple answer if you look at what the different training styles incorporate in terms of physical skills\goals.

Cross Fit's belief is that a person who is fit requires proficiency in each of ten general physical skills: cardiovascular/respiratory endurance, stamina, strength, flexibility, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and accuracy.

Bodybuilding: size, definition, proportion, symmetry, and stage presence.
Powerlifting: maximum strength

So of course Crossfit is going to have many more benefits compared to the others because of what the goal of it is. Crossfit basically wants you to be an all round healthy person, and I totally agree that everyone should be like this, but if you are a powerlifter or bodybuilder, then all those other physical skills don't apply.
If you want to see some athletes that entail all ten of those physical skills , just watch a couple video clips of world strongman, or the Cross Fit competitions.

Crossfit Athlete

Strongman Athlete

All in all I think that any type of training which makes you work many factors of fitness is obviously the best choice overall, but as I have learned, not everyone likes this type of training. Some people just like bodybuilding, some like powerlifting, and some don't like doing any training. Many people find joy in rock climbing, or hiking a large mountain. So you got to do whatever gives you the most joy. Of course myself and many others would like everyone to be hardcore fitness enthusiasts , but the world just doesn't work that way. Oh well, not everybody can be a Demonator.


Friday, November 4, 2011

Sexercise ...."What'd you just say!? "

Now that I have your attention, I shall explain this wonderful new way of working....well it's not really new but I shall outline the exercises/positions that will give you the best BANG for your buck....hahah get it?!!...I said bang, as in sex.....okay it's not that funny, shut up! Anywho... sexercises are exercises that are performed during sex, foreplay, or are performed in preparation for sex that are designed to strengthen, build, and define muscles. Commonly these exercises are performed by people who follow the Sex Diet.

The sex diet is basically a lifestyle which maximizes the many health benefits obtained from regular sex. It is obviously not a diet in like a food based program, but more in the way of a system meant to improve health. When properly performed , sexual activity can actually decrease depression, encourages weight loss, promotes cardiac health, and frequent sex can also improve intimate relationships.

Speaking from experience I can attest to these many benefits, and how it can have such a positive psychological affect on you. Everything in my life just feels soo much better when I have a healthy sexual life. Thankfully I have an amazing girlfriend who also has these beliefs , so were are adamant that we make sure to get a daily serving of sexercise. Now I'm not saying that an entire relationship should be based on sex alone, but I am saying that it really does help increase that intimacy in couples.

A half an hour of sex burns roughly 200 calories. Now you may think that isn't very much, but if you are having 3hrs of sex a day...not necessarily all in one go haha.....for 7 days a week, that's 4200 calories burned!!! That's over 1lb of fat ( 3500 calories)......I just realized now why I managed to lose weight without doing any cardio these past 2 months haha....ahem....anyways..... If you couple that along with a weight training program, cardio, and a healthy diet, then I think you can see how beneficial sex can be !

So you're prolly wondering what these super secret sexercises are? Honestly from what I've read up on it, and can discuss from my own experience, there really is no secret exercises. It really doesn't take a genius to know that a standing sex position where you are supporting your mate, is gonna burn many more calories than the good ol missionary position. Next time you have your woman in doggystyle, pick up both legs and wheelbarrow her. If you don't feel your core and arms getting a good burn after a couple minutes straight of that, then my hat is off to you. As for ladies, if you do a squat over your mans..uhmm..member...and then put your hands anywhere on his body for support so you can move yourself up and down, well you are going to majorly feel that in your entire lower body, and I'm sure your man will be majorly feeling it to. So use that thing called a brain inside of your skull and make things tougher. I believe having a variety of positions and not a pre-determined routine is very essential in having a healthy sex life.

Sexercise is really no different in a training aspect than any other form of exercise. The more muscles you use, the higher the intensity, and longer you go, the more calories you are going to burn. So don't try and "make love" like they do in the movies with it all slow and sensual....GIVER BEEF! literally !

As for any guys out there who have problems...finishing the race early....well I really don't have any great advice for that. I guess the one key factor that I recommend is get down in between her legs and lick her into a state of mind blowing pleasure. Might give you some time calm your nerves and boost that confidence. Plus you will have the bonus of a very nice wet opening. Less friction=less sensation=less chance of you failing. If you do a good enough job down there with your tongue she may even be willing to return the favor.  Once that's over you will be very much relaxed , and ready to plow away without the worry of busting early.

Anyways that's enough from me. This supposed to be a health/nutrition blog, not a sex advice column. So ladies and gentlemen , go out and get some daily action. You'll live longer because of it.


Poem: One More Rep

I walk into the room, and I go into another world
Of steel, blood, sweat, and shouts of anger
Stress disperses out from my inner soul
Making me forget the worries of everyday life
I just feel the pump of blood flowing through my veins
With each repetition I feel stronger
Each set, I throw on more weight till my legs tremble
Some would call this feeling pain
But pain doesn't exist in this world of man and metal 
This pain is more like the warmth of a sunny day
I'm not addicted to this world either; it is a way of life
Always pushing for one more rep, like it’s my last breath

Poem:The Deadlift

Walk over to the bar, and drop my bucket of chalk 
Then crank up the Hatebreed till I can't hear myself breathe, let alone talk
I zone out everyone around me and glare at myself in the mirror
When I'm in this state of mind I've only got one mission and no fears

Slap on some 45's and get the juices flowin, I've gotta get ready for the weight I'll be pullin
Feeling the blood pump through my capilliaries, veins and arteries
I'm not just a warrior, I'm the whole fuckin army

The amount of weight keeps growin and the reps keep lowerin,
the music is cranked so loud till my eardrums are blowin
But this ever increasing pain is unleashing my inner Demon ,
I like this feelin of bein insane till it gets me screaming

Now I'm totally swole and I'm covered in sweat,
feelin as beastly as I do when I'm having intense sex
So I dip my hands into the chalk and give them a clap,
watching the cloud float down all around where I stand

Then I hook grip that bar and drive my feet through the floor,
using all of my strength as I pull this son of a whore
I get it past my knees and lock it out at the top,
and it's the moment right here that makes me remember why I will never stop

Can't afford a gym pass: How to gain without payin

I know there are many people out there who will use the excuse of not being able to afford a gym pass so therefore they can't workout. Now they are either A) Able to afford it but just don't wanna goto the gym, or B) Legitimately cannot afford it. I have sympathy for people who feel intimidated by the gym atmosphere with all the big muscle guys grunting and the shredded fitness girls strutting their stuff, but what I don't have sympathy for is people who just are too lazy too workout.

"But you need weights and machines to workout!?!"

NO! You are wrong! The weights are your body and the resistance of gravity; and the machine is what your body turns into when you put the effort into training.

I myself used to have the mindset that you could never get a good enough workout to gain muscle without using weights. Once I decided to try out MMA training for a couple months though, I quickly saw that I was very wrong. The bonus about this style of training is that you are usually doing things in a circuit type fashion, so there is very little, if any rest. This means that your heart, lungs, and muscles will all be working together to maintain this intensity. So you are gaining the entire range of health benefits due to conditioning the whole body.

" Ok great Mr. science guy, shut up and tell me how to build mass without the gym!"

Alright, alright people I'll stop yapping and get to the tricks you can use to build mass for free.

1) Speed of reps- Now since you are using bodyweight and gravity as your means of resistance, then you need to find ways to make things harder. One of the best ways is to play around with your rep speed. Now this could either mean going down very slow during a pushup, or jumping as high and as fast as you can during jump knee tucks. Going slow or fast will enable different fiber types and also force your body to use more muscle fibers. Remember that the body likes to adapt to things so playing with the speed will really confuse it, thus disallowing adaptation.

2)Using 1 limb- Now this is pretty self explanatory. The body likes to walk on both legs at once, do pushups with both sides, and pullups with both sides as well. So trying to do the same things using just one side will be much harder for the body. It will cause your body to use fibers that it wouldn't usually use during regular movements, or cause certain fibers to be used to a greater extent. Also since you don't have the other side to stabilize you, you're core will be forced to work harder.

3) Make your own weights- Who in the hell needs dumbells and barbells that weigh exactly a certain amount!? Pffffttt. Gimme a couple of sandbags and throw them over my shoulders and make me squat!
Use soup cans or jam jars ( shout out to Steph Mervyn) . Pick up your grandma and carry her around.
If you got some old tires go flip them around the yard or throw them around.
Get some paint buckets ...clean ones....and fill them up with water. Use them for arms curls or doing a farmers walk. "That's easy" . Well how bout you fill them up until they're close to the top and try going as fast as you can without spilling any? or do that but up a set of stairs.Let me know how that goes for ya....

4) Goto a playground- Now I don't suggest you go there if you have a sleazy looking van, a dirty mustache, overcoat, and dark glasses. Well, now that we cleared that up, lets explain. You ever look at the male gymnasts....and now I don't mean that way you sick minded people! Those guys are compact, defined, and JACKED! Now I can tell you right now that they don't goto the gym and hit up some bench press then do some arm curls to look like that. They do many exercises that involve balance, constant resistance on the muscles/joints, and explosiveness. They do the Still Rings, Floor, Pommel Horse , Vault, Parallel Bars, and High Bar. Now at your typical jungle gym, there are usually monkey bars, rings, and other various bars and why not go test your balance on the monkey bars, do dips, do chin ups on the rings, try doing the human flag on the pole....actually maybe don't try that one, you may get hurt. But you get my point!

5) Workout with a friend- I guess this sort of fits in with make your own weights, but I felt like it needed it's own section. If you look online there are many great exercises that can be performed with a partner. Along with that you can obviously modify exercises that you would usually do solo, with the weight of your friend as resistance. For example, the classic piggy back. Try doing squats with someone hanging off your back. It is much harder than having a perfectly straight bar resting nicely on your back. Working out with a friend also is very helpful psychologically. It will motivate you to work harder, and make things more enjoyable if you have great people in your life like I do. Hell you can make a competition out of it if you want, or even have like 2 minute wrestling matches.....and I don't mean busting out a Rock Bottom or Stone Cold stunner.

Now just like in many of my other articles, I am in no way saying that these are the only ways, and that I am some expert in these things. I am speaking from my personal experiences along with my knowledge of Kinesiology. I am also not going to list every single exercise and modification that you can do with just bodyweight and partners. This is the age of the internet and alot of the times there is great information out there for these types of things......along with a steaming heap of bullshit lol. Thankfully if you are following my blog and reading these articles, you should be confident to know that I don't fuck around. I do my research and verify that what I'm saying is true. Hence why I don't hold back from my use of explicit language at times, or show how I truly feel about something.

So get out in your yard, basement, local park, playground, school field, WHEREVER ! Try some of these things out and GET CREATIVE and HAVE FUN!


Thursday, November 3, 2011

Nutrition: To enjoy food or not ?

Unless you are training for a competition or are severely overweight, I don't think it's psychologically healthy to restrict your diet so much. I know myself I love to cook delicious food and many times that involves some bad fats. Now this is not an excuse for you to think that you can eat pizza and cheeseburgers all the time, and say fuck the healthy food. I believe the majority of ones dietary intake should be comprised of 80% healthy food, and 20% bad food.When I say healthy food, I'm talking about things like chicken breasts, nuts/seeds, veggies/fruits, fish, quinoa, brown rice etc etc. When I say "bad" food, I don't mean food that's spoiled, I mean foods that generally contain higher saturated fats and higher sodium. If you are training your ass off 5-7 days a week with whatever it is you enjoy for exercise, then I think you deserve to enjoy life a little by indulging in some of those "bad" foods.

Now if you want to look like a professional fitness model all the time, male or female, then you should actually be eating just healthy food and say goodbye to those bad foods you love.....if you are doing it naturally. If you are on the sauce (roids) then you can cheat a little more do to the profound positive effects on the body. Of course this still doesn't mean you can eat like a pig and expect results, it just means you can have some bad foods here and there and not have to worry as much as someone who is trying to do things naturally.

I guess what I'm getting at is that depending on what your actual goals are , you should adjust your diet accordingly. I myself don't personally care if I have an 8 pack and am at 8% bodyfat. I'm not training for a bodybuilding comp, or trying to be a magazine cover model. I also don't want to have to restrict my body from enjoying life. Counting calories consumed, macro nutrients, micro nutrients, and counting calories burned is just not my idea of fun. Now I am not trying to insult anyone who is involved in bodybuilding, or fitness/figure. If that's your thing and you love it, then great , I support you all the way and admire your dedication. I just personally don't find enjoyment in that anymore. I would rather train my body for overall practically by doing whole body conditioning. Yes I want to look good, but I also want to be strong, fast, powerful and have endurance. I think doing so will make life more enjoyable and last much longer.

So bottom line: Train your ass off so you can enjoy the pleasures in life !


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Best Butt Ever

Check out this article about the secrets to obtaining that ideal ass. My fellow friend/blogger/personal trainer Steph Mervyn finally got around to posting this great article that her,myself, and another friend ,Caitlyn Monaghan wrote.

Yeah that's Steph and I. We are pretty damn awesome.

Tom Platz: Epic Legs

Tom Platz: Epic Legs

Okay so I've been super busy with school and life in general lately, so I haven't had much time to dedicate to my blog. Hence why this blog is my lazy attempt to post something.

My favourite muscle group to work, and the one I feel that's the most important is legs. So when I think of legs, I always think of the amazing bodybuilder Tom Platz. While most bodybuilders were worried about not having big enough legs, Platz legs were actually too big compared to the rest of his body. His leg workouts were insane, such as doing 225lb squats for 10mins straight, and doing reps up to 60 on leg extensions!!!!!
So suffice to say, Platz was one crazy son of a bitch, and I believe if more people trained with the intensity that he had, there would be alot more people with legs like trees!

So check out the link to . It's a great site for everything exercise related.